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in bloom affiliates

The FootGuy

My name is Scott Donat and I am The FootGuy. Using the ancient healing technique of Reflexology, I lead you to discover and learn the story that your body and subconscious is trying to tell. What I do is not a foot rub or hand massage. It is a powerful physical, emotional, and spiritual reading that offers the opportunity for discovery and release, leading to balance. I will help you learn to experience wellness.


Do the Earth a Solid!

Gina McGrath is an amazing person with a passion for the Earth! As a retired teacher, she has dedicated her time to host EcoShops, a project with a purpose. 


Build ecoBricks and community by hosting an EcoShop workshop. Participants will enjoy creating a useful ecoBrick from their trash while learning about and shopping for environmentally soothing products, like: handmade soaps, kitchen composters and microfiber filters.


Gina facilitates these ecoShop Workshops as a way to give back to a universe, and the humanity within it, who have given me so much throughout my lifetime.  Learn more on her website!



The Way Through Workshop

A Transformational Journey
One of the Most Incredible Weekends of Your Life. 
Participate in this exciting, innovative ”Way Through Experience”
that will take you to the power of who you are!​​

To connect to your authentic self
To address your shadow parts

To empower yourself


Kindness Kangaroos

Kindness has played a huge role in the making of who we are today. What have been small acts to some have been life changing for us and others. As individuals, as a couple, and as a family we try to spread kindness as much as we possibly can. Then one day, after we helped a bystander we started to daydream about how far a simple act for us could travel. With that dream, combined with our talents and passion, Kindness Kangaroos was born.

Kindness Kagnaroos serve as a symbol of encouragement to be kind. They encourage the recipient to keep them HOPping by also creating an act of kindness. We believe we can change the world one HOP at a time.

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