in bloom affiliates
The FootGuy
My name is Scott Donat and I am The FootGuy. Using the ancient healing technique of Reflexology, I lead you to discover and learn the story that your body and subconscious is trying to tell. What I do is not a foot rub or hand massage. It is a powerful physical, emotional, and spiritual reading that offers the opportunity for discovery and release, leading to balance. I will help you learn to experience wellness.
Do the Earth a Solid!
Gina McGrath is an amazing person with a passion for the Earth! As a retired teacher, she has dedicated her time to host EcoShops, a project with a purpose.
Build ecoBricks and community by hosting an EcoShop workshop. Participants will enjoy creating a useful ecoBrick from their trash while learning about and shopping for environmentally soothing products, like: handmade soaps, kitchen composters and microfiber filters.
Gina facilitates these ecoShop Workshops as a way to give back to a universe, and the humanity within it, who have given me so much throughout my lifetime. Learn more on her website!
The Way Through Workshop
A Transformational Journey
One of the Most Incredible Weekends of Your Life.
Participate in this exciting, innovative ”Way Through Experience”
that will take you to the power of who you are!​​
To connect to your authentic self
To address your shadow parts
To empower yourself